Voter Registration
Make a Difference – Register and Vote!
The business of the University is the education of citizens – the life training of our nation's next generation of leaders. As part of enhancing citizenship training and promoting civic engagement, every member of the campus community--students, faculty and staff -- are encouraged to register and vote.
- Steps to Vote in Indiana - or Another State
- Opportunities for Voter Registration
- Voter Registration Efforts – Halls & Villages
- Polls in University of Evansville Residential Properties
Steps to Vote in Indiana - or Another State
Should you register to vote in Indiana or with your home state?
College Students and Permanent Residency - The website has a page specifically for college students that discusses issues of your permanent residence and where you should register to vote. A person can only have one permanent residence under Indiana law. However, where a person's permanent residence is located will depend on the facts of their situation and their intentions. See more about college students wishing to vote in Indiana.
The Indiana Photo ID Law - To vote in Indiana, you must have a valid photo ID. More information on ID requirements for voting in Indiana.
Obtaining a Photo ID - More information on obtaining an Indiana License or ID Card.
Ways to Register to Vote in Indiana - See the website to learn how to register to vote online, by mail, or in person. Please be aware that additional requirements are placed on mailed-in Voter registrations when voting. Indiana voting regulations require proof of residence when voting along with the required ID described above. Registrations handed in as part of a voter registration drive do not require a proof of residence when going to the polls to vote.
Absentee Voting - If you are unable to produce ID or required documents, you must register to vote in your home county/state. You can then complete an absentee ballot request and receive your ballot in the mail. The Long Distance Voter website offers access to voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications for every state. This site also includes voter identification information on every state - make sure you send the appropriate identification documents when registering with your state.
Opportunities for Voter Registration
Voter Registration Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar (Olmsted Hall room 106) and in The Center for Student Engagement (Ridgway University Center room 224).
For campus voter registration information or assistance, contact the Center for Student Engagement at extension 2371.
Voter Registration Efforts – Halls & Villages
The University of Evansville provides for reasonable opportunities for voter registration activities. The Halls and Villages have specific guidelines related to solicitation activities such as door to door canvassing. See our policy on Solicitation in Residential Properties:
- Solicitation in Residential Properties - To protect residents from unreliable, illegal and meddlesome peddlers, soliciting is not permitted in the halls. Special permission for student fund-raising projects may be obtained from the dean of students. Residents should report any solicitation in the residence halls or Villages. Immediately notify your residential staff, the Office of Residence Life or the Office of Public Safety.
The following activities are allowed in residential properties:
- Informal Interaction - UE Students escorted by a building resident may informally talk with people that are in common areas or with people on residential hallways that have their doors open. All escort, visitation and quiet hour policies apply.
- Residence Hall Tables - UE organizations can set up a table in the lobbies of residential properties during reasonable hours. Approval of tables are coordinated through the Office of Residence Life. Tables should not impede pedestrian flow, access or egress of building. Arrangements should be made at least one working day prior in order to properly communicate information to residence life and Physical Plant personnel.
- Formal Polls of Students - Polls taken during the thirty days prior to the voter registration period can take place as applicable by law. Guidelines for polls in residential facilities are outlined below.
Polls in University of Evansville Residential Properties
Based on Indiana Code: IC 3-6-11
During the last thirty (30) days of each registration period, excluding school holidays, a political party, civic association, or other organization may take a poll of voters qualified to vote at the election. During that time it shall be permitted for a pollster to knock on the door of each room in the living areas of student housing to conduct a poll.
Certification of polling organization
The chairman, president, or other chief officer of the organization taking a poll shall issue to the persons taking the poll a certificate showing the nature of the poll and the organization for which the poll is to be taken.
Procedures for taking polls in student housing
An organization or individual conducting activities under this policy shall follow the following procedures:
Submit a list of poll takers to the director of residence life. This list should be provided at least one working day prior to the poll taking place in order to properly communicate information to residence life personnel.
Follow all policies related to visitation policies, escort and quiet hours. Conduct polling activities during the most restrictive of the following times:
- Between 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
- During the hours visitation is permitted.
Requirements for poll takers entering student housing
A poll taker entering student housing must:
be a student enrolled at the University of Evansville;
be escorted by a resident of the building according to our escort policy;
carry a poll taker's certificate as described above;
carry an identification card that includes a photograph of the student;
check in at the main desk, or with the person in charge of security for the building, upon arrival of the residence; and
check out at the main desk or with the person in charge of security for the building before departing.
Reports by poll takers
Each poll taker shall make a full, true, and complete list of all persons whose names are reported as voters, with such comments as the poll taker considers proper concerning the voters' respective qualifications.
Use of poll list
An organization that takes a poll of voters or a poll taker taking the poll may not:
use the poll list for any purpose except conducting a campaign or voter registration; or
give, loan, sell, or transfer the poll list to a person who intends to use the list for any purpose except conducting a campaign or voter registration.
use the process of conducting a poll as a means of distributing materials or literature on site as the poll is being taken.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 116, Olmsted Administration Hall